VCollab Partners With TAE SUNG

This agreement covers the Korean and Southeast Asia market.

This agreement covers the Korean and Southeast Asia market.

Visual Collaboration Technologies (VCollab) announces a new distribution partnership with TAE SUNG S&E, Inc. (TSNE). TSNE is now an authorized VCollab distributor serving customers in the Korean and Southeast Asia market.

Since established in 1988, Tae Sung S&E (TSNE) has been a CAE specialized company dedicated to delivering engineering programs and services to customers in Korea.

With its largest CAE experts and business capabilities in Korea, TSNE serves various industries (aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, biomedical, eElectrics and electronics, energy, etc.).

“The CAE industry has been using the same types of post-processing tools and 2D report writing processes for decades. VCollab brings a new class of tool, which provides a 'rapid results review' capability based on 3D digital slides, that will help our customers move from CAE results to design decisions much faster while minimizing the traditional time consuming, manual work associated with this process to date,” says Jinwook Shim, CEO of TAE SUNG S&E.

“TSNE is a highly regarded distributor offering industry leading CAE products and technical consulting services for customers in Korea. We are delighted to have TSNE representing VCollab and believe they are well positioned to meet the growing demands of simulation customers in their region,” says Prasad Mandava, CEO and founder of VCollab.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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